U.S.-China trade benefits most Americans, but nevertheless becomes a political issue every presidential election. Four years ago Barack Obama and Mitt Romney went to the airwaves in Ohio essentially accusing each other of being economic traitors.

U.S.-China trade benefits most Americans, but nevertheless becomes a political issue every presidential election. Four years ago Barack Obama and Mitt Romney went to the airwaves in Ohio essentially accusing each other of being economic traitors.
Uganda is a bountiful, diverse nation on the socio-economic rise. They are a people of peace and tolerance, spurring international recognition for their established and newfound bevy of resources, their majestic scenery which has long supported thriving tourism and their democratic government, each day opening its doors to showcase greater transparency.
Al igual que los mercados emergentes que prosperan con sus socios BRIC, China está en la cúspide del cambio geopolítico y de dinamismo socioeconómico. La atención a este meteórico ascenso significa que los actores, tanto públicos como privados, que tienen como objetivo impulsar al país adelante, estarán perpetuamente colocados bajo un microscopio, para garantizar que sus acciones no sean exclusivamente de auto-servicio, ni comprometan la tradicional integridad de la nación.
El vicepresidente de la Fundación Arcadia, Robert Carmona- Borjas participará la noche de este domingo en el programa “Choque de Opiniones” de CNN en Español.
Sam Amsterdam discusses the problem of corruption in emerging markets with Arcadia Foundation chairman Robert Carmona-Borjas.
Rule of Law is somewhat malleable in many economies, but particularly in many emerging markets situated across Africa. Many nations under that ’emerging’ moniker and the major public and private-sector stakeholders within it claim to abide by rule of law, however the ‘rule of thumb’ when taking most at their word has long been – ‘see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil’.
Over the years, my enterprise, the Washington D.C.-based Arcadia Foundation, has pursued justice and freedom from corruption in both the private and public sectors, in instances all around the world.
El vicepresidente de la Fundación Arcadia, Robert Carmona, interpuso la quinta querella contra el comunicador social, David Romero, por injurias y calumnias.
Entrevista a Robert Carmona Borjas sobre casos de corrupción en Honduras.
El vicepresidente de la Fundación Arcadia, Robert Carmona Borjas, arremetió la mañana de este miércoles contra el periodista David Romero Ellner y los miembros del Partido Libertad y Refundación (Libre).
Aquí con Ryan Gosling y Betty Bigombe. Here with Ryan Gosling and Betty Bigombe.